How Many Connections Requests and Messages Can I Safely Send with SalesRobot?
Basically, how many connection requests and messages are you allowed to send safely via SalesRobot depends on two major factors: the policy of LinkedIn and your own settings. Here is a breakdown of how to manage your outreach effectively: LinkedIn's General Limits This is because LinkedIn has put a limit on the number of connection requests and messages you can send in a day to prevent spamming and thus ensure good user experience. Although the company does not specify the limits, generFew readersHow Does SalesRobot Handle Delays Before Sending Automated Messages or Connection Requests?
SalesRobot has delays built in to trigger before sending an automated message or connection request in order to be more humanlike and more protective of your account. Purpose of the Delays Simulating Human Behavior: Delays are helpful in making the automated requests or touchpoints seem more like natural actions, rather than having the automation be flagged by LinkedIn's safety measures. Avoid Account Limitations: By slowing down the rate of requests as well as messages,Few readersWith SalesRobot, How Can I be Sure My Account Won’t Get Blocked by LinkedIn?
Quota Settings and Safe Mode are essential features in SalesRobot that help keep your account secure and maximize your sales outreach. Here’s a quick overview of how they work and how they can benefit you: Quota Settings Quota Settings allow you to set daily or weekly limits on the number of actions like - connection requests or messages, your SalesRobot account can perform. With these limits you can: Prevent Overuse: Avoid exceeding LinkedIn’s limits on connection requestsFew readersHow to Safely Use Multiple LinkedIn Accounts with SalesRobot
With SalesRobot, it is a piece of cake to handle several LinkedIn accounts: No Additional Action Required: Do not worry about clearing cookies, or using multiple browsers. SalesRobot keeps each LinkedIn account separate by itself. Unique IPs: With this service, each account has been given a unique IP from your local area, giving LinkedIn assurance that your actions are normal and safe. Control from One Place: Add all the LinkedIn accounts to a main account in SalesRobot. You aFew readersHow SalesRobot Daily Limits Safeguard Your LinkedIn Account
The safety of your LinkedIn account is SalesRobot's top priority. Our Quota limits and Safe mode ensure your LinkedIn account grows organically and remains safe from LinkedIn’s own security software. Quota limits: By default SalesRobot sets some Quota limits on your LinkedIn account to ensure account safety without exceeding LinkedIn’s guidelines. This helps you maintain a steady and manageable outreach pace. However you can opt to maximize the limit as per your needs. Safe mode limFew readers