Articles on: SalesRobot Integrations and Automation

Using SalesRobot APIs

SalesRobot’s API functionality enables seamless integration and automation with your systems. Use these APIs to manage leads, send sequences, and simplify workflows.
This guide covers inbound and outbound API setup and detailed endpoint information for enhanced prospect management.

Setting Up Inbound APIs

To configure inbound APIs in SalesRobot:

Navigate to Settings in your SalesRobot account.
Go to Integrations.
Under SalesRobot, select Configure.
Enable the Webhook Endpoint switch.

Once enabled, you’ll access seven inbound API endpoints with detailed documentation, including:

1. Add Prospect to Campaign

- Endpoint: POST
- Parameters:

    "campaignName": "Name of your campaign here",
    "firstName": "Sherlock",
    "lastName": "Holmes",
    "profileUrl": "",
    "salesNavUrl": "",
    "companyName": "Good Detectives",
    "jobTitle": "Sr. Detective",
    "isPremium": true,
    "connectionLevel": "2nd/3rd",
    "personalWebsite": "",
    "phoneNumber": "+4242424242",
    "emailId": "",
    "mostRecentEducation": "BTech",
    "topVolunteerExperience": "Solving Mysteries",
    "topCertification": "Solving Mysteries",
    "topRecommender": "Solving Mysteries",
    "topSkill": "Solving Mysteries",
    "location": "UK",
    "customColumns": "{\"Custom snippet\":\"Custom snippet value\"}"

- Description: This API allows you to add new prospects to your SalesRobot campaigns using either profileUrl or salesNavUrl. Make sure the campaignName matches exactly with the campaign name in SalesRobot.
- Note: If using customColumns, format the value as a string. Email will only work if it matches the one on the LinkedIn profile.

2. Pause a Sequence

- Endpoint: POST
- Parameters:

    "profileUrl": "",
    "email": ""

- Description: Pauses the latest running sequence for a prospect in your campaign. You can use either profileUrl or email. If both are provided, profileUrl will take precedence.
- Note: Email must match the one on the LinkedIn profile for it to work.

3. Resume a Sequence

- Endpoint: POST
- Parameters: Same as Pause a Sequence.
- Description: Resumes the most recent paused sequence for the prospect.
- Note: Similar to pausing, profileUrl is preferred if both profileUrl and email are provided.

4. Tag Inbox Chat

- Endpoint: POST
- Parameters:

    "profileUrl": "",
    "email": "",
    "tag": "Positive lead",
    "tagList": ["Positive lead", "100k"]

- Description: Tag a prospect’s chat in SalesRobot, viewable in the inbox/campaign leads. Use either profileUrl or email, with profileUrl being prioritized if both are given.

5. Send Reply to Prospect

- Endpoint: POST
- Parameters:

    "profileUrl": "",
    "replyMessage": "Hello, delighted to add you to my network."

- Description: Use this API to send a reply message to a prospect through profileUrl. Only profileUrl is required for sending replies.

6. Update Prospect Information

- Endpoint: POST
- Parameters:

    "campaignName": "Name of your campaign here",
    "firstName": "Sherlock",
    "lastName": "Holmes",
    "profileUrl": "",
    "companyName": "Good Detectives",
    "jobTitle": "Sr. Detective",
    "connectionLevel": "2nd/3rd",
    "personalWebsite": "",
    "phoneNumber": "+4242424242",
    "emailId": "",

- Description: Use this endpoint to update prospect data within a specific campaign or across all campaigns if campaignName is not specified. Only include fields you wish to update.
- Note: customColumns should be in string format.

7. Remove Prospect from Campaign

- Endpoint: POST
- Parameters:

    "profileUrl": "",
    "campaignName": "Test campaign 1"

- Description: Removes a prospect from a specified campaign using profileUrl. If campaignName is omitted, the prospect will be removed from all campaigns they are part of.

Setting Up Outbound APIs

To set up outbound API functionality and connect SalesRobot to your CRM or other external tools, refer to our detailed guide: How Do I Connect SalesRobot to My CRM?.

This guide walks you through the process of integrating SalesRobot’s outbound API capabilities with your CRM, ensuring seamless data transfer and automation.

Updated on: 29/10/2024

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